Are You Prepared for the Next Hurricane? Essential Tips to Protect Your Home and Family

It's a question we've all had to ask ourselves more frequently these days. Experts predict that the 2024 hurricane season will be "extremely active" predicting as many as 23 named storms -- much higher than the average 14.4 over the last 30 years.

As of October 7th, there have already been 13. The latest, Hurricane Helene, left over 4 million without power and more than 230 lives lost. 

Hurricanes aren't just weather events; they're life-altering catastrophes. And as the world changes, so does the unpredictability of these storms which is why...

Preparation isn't paranoia; it's prudence.


Hurricane Terminology You Need to Know

From Tropical Depressions with winds of 38 mph to full-blown Hurricanes roaring at 74 mph and above, it's crucial to know what's coming your way. And when forecasters throw around terms like "Eye Wall" or "Storm Surge," you better believe it's essential to know what they mean. Knowledge isn't just power; it's survival.

Types of Storms During Hurricane Season:

  • Tropical Depressions: Cyclones with winds up to 38 mph.
  • Tropical Storms: Wind speeds ranging from 39-73 mph.
  • Hurricanes: Winds that exceed 74 mph. Notably, the upper right quadrant of the storm is often the most intense.
  • Storm Surge: A dangerous rise in seawater level caused by a storm, leading to rapid coastal and, at times, inland flooding.


Key Hurricane Terms:

  • Tropical Storm/Hurricane Watch: Conditions are possible. Issued 48 hours in advance.
  • Tropical Storm/Hurricane Warning: Conditions are expected. Issued 36 hours in advance.
  • Eye: The calm center of the storm.
  • Eye Wall: Surrounding the eye, it houses the storm's harshest conditions.
  • Rain Bands: These bands can produce severe weather conditions, including heavy rain and tornadoes.

Predicting a hurricane's path is a blend of science, technology, and a dash of educated guessing. But when the experts at the National Hurricane Center speak, it's time to listen. They're our first line of defense, using advanced computer models to give us a heads-up on what's brewing in the ocean. Stay updated with real-time information from the National Hurricane Center at


What You Need in a Hurricane Emergency Kit

When the lights go out, and the stores shut down, what's in your home can make the difference between despair and resilience. When preparing for a hurricane,

  • Write down and prominently display emergency phone numbers. Ensure they're easily accessible in your home and saved on your cell phone.
  • Have a plan to stay informed. A weather radio and device to power your cell phone and computer are invaluable.
  • Emergency Kit: Prepare a comprehensive emergency supply kit. This isn't just for evacuation but also if you're confined to your home. Your kit should include:
    • At least 3 days' worth of backup emergency food supplies and clean water
    • Cooler to store perishable food and temperature-sensitive medications
    • First aid supplies, prescription medication, and medical devices
    • Power sources, including flashlights and batteries. Even better – a solar power generator to help keep your devices and appliances working as gas generators can give off deadly fumes
    • Keep essential documents like medical records, wills, passports, IDs, as well as extra cash in a waterproof container
    • A fire extinguisher can be crucial – ensure everyone knows its location and usage
    • Ensure your car's gas tank is full and keep an emergency kit in your car. If you don't own a car, pre-arrange transportation for evacuation


How to Secure Your Home During a Hurricane

Your home is your fortress, but even fortresses need reinforcements. Board up windows, trim those trees, and make sure everything that can fly away in a gust is safely tucked inside. Reinforce your garage doors and familiarize yourself with utility shut-offs. And if the winds start howling, remember: stay away from windows and stick to the innermost parts of your home.


Power Outages During & After a Hurricane

When the storm hits, power outages are almost a given. And with them come a host of challenges, from spoiling food and dead cell phones to compromised temperature-sensitive medication and medical devices failing. Heat stress and exhaustion can come without access to air conditioning. A power outage isn't just an inconvenience; it can be a danger if you're not prepared. 

Generators are your best protection against blackouts but picking out the right generator is crucial. Gas-powered generators can be loud, emit deadly carbon monoxide, and require fuel to run at a time when fuel supply chains can be severely disrupted, making it difficult, if not impossible, to refuel a gas generator. Gas stations might be closed, roads blocked, and let's not forget the long, winding queues of desperate folks trying to get their hands on some fuel.

Solar power generators rely on the sun—a resource that, even after the stormiest days, will eventually return, allowing you to harness safe, life-saving energy. Solar generators also operate silently. Let’s face it, when the world is trying to piece itself back together after a hurricane's fury, the last thing you'd want is the roaring noise of a gas generator. You can even increase your overall power output and decrease charging time by investing in additional solar panels to daisy chain.


When to Evacuation or Hunker Down

Sometimes, the best defense is a good escape plan. If authorities say it's time to go, don't hesitate. But if you're staying put, make sure you're truly ready for what's coming. Whether it's ensuring you have a full tank of gas or knowing the nearest shelter, every bit of preparation counts. Remember,

  • Stay calm and stick to your plan
  • Avoid floodwaters – just six inches of moving water can knock you off your feet.
  • Keep your emergency car kit easily accessible
  • Stay away from downed power lines
  • Check on your neighbors – especially if they are disabled or elderly
  • If you leave make sure someone knows where you are going and when you expect to arrive


What to Do After a Hurricane

Once the winds have settled and the rain has ceased, it's easy to believe the worst is over. But here's the reality: the danger isn't always in the storm itself, but often in what it leaves behind. Streets become rivers, power lines turn into potential death traps, and your once-familiar neighborhood? It might now be a maze of debris and hazards.

  • Stay Informed: Just because the hurricane has passed doesn't mean the alerts will. Keep that radio close. Local authorities will provide updates on road conditions, power restorations, and potential flood warnings.
  • Avoid the Roads: Those flooded streets? They're not your friend. It takes just a small amount of water to sweep a car away. And with traffic lights out, intersections become a game of Russian roulette.
  • Inspect Your Home: But do it safely. Watch out for broken glass, exposed nails, and other sharp objects. If you smell gas or suspect a leak? Get out immediately and alert the authorities.
  • Boil Your Water: Hurricanes can compromise local water supplies. Until you get the all-clear, boil your water to avoid any nasty surprises.
  • Document the Damage: For insurance purposes, take photos of any damage to your home or property. It'll make the claims process smoother.
  • Stay Away from Power Lines: Downed or not, consider every power line live and dangerous. Report any downed lines to the local power company.
  • Use Flashlights, Not Candles: The last thing you need post-hurricane is a house fire. Stick to flashlights and battery- or solar-operated lanterns.


The Bottom Line

We've seen it all: wildfires in Hawaii, tornadoes in the Northeast, and now, hurricanes that defy all expectations. The world is changing, and with it, the threats we face. But here's the good news: With the right preparation, you can face these challenges head-on. Click Here to download a 15-page digital handbook to learn more about recovering from a hurricane. 

Your all-in-one solution? It's not just about having supplies; it's about having the right mindset. Prepare today, and no matter what tomorrow brings, you'll be ready. Because when Mother Nature strikes, the most powerful tool in your arsenal is preparedness.

Start Your Hurricane Preparedness Plan Here >>


Last Update: October 7, 2024

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